
Probate Estates

Probate Estate/ Guardianship       Trust Administration


Probate as it is typically understood is the process of ensuring that a deceased person’s debts are paid and assets are distributed whether pursuant to a will or by statute. The process is overseen by the probate court. One way in which people avoid probate is by establishing a living trust. When you need assistance establishing  a guardianship over a child or individual who has become incapacitated through age or disability we will be ready and honored to assist. 

The attorneys at Bremke Law are happy to guide you through the process. They know from both professional and personal experience that navigating through the probate process after the death of a loved one is a difficult time and can also be quite confusing. Unfortunately when a loved one passes, there are often disputes that arise among children and/or other relatives, and in some instances, litigation is necessary. The attorneys at Bremke Law will be sure to work with you in a compassionate and considerate way.

Probate Court Filings

Full Probate Administration

Relief from Administration

Summary Release from Administration

Guardianship of an Incompetent Person

Guardianship of a Minor

Trust Administration

Ohio Trust Code Compliance

Executor / Administrator / Fiduciary assistance